VR at Your Event
Unforgettable experiences at your fingertips
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Lisa VR Meelelahutus Oma Sündmusele
Kas planeerid pidu või üritust ja otsid põnevat meelelahutust?
Meie VR-teenused on ideaalne täiendus igale sündmusele! Pakume laia valikut virtuaalreaalsuse elamusi, mis sobivad erinevatele üritustele, sealhulgas:
- Sünnipäevad
- Firmapeod ja suvepäevad
- Poissmeeste ja tüdrukute peod
- Peresündmused
- Pulmapeod
- Muud vaba aja tegevused ja sündmused
Theme integration
Design the VR experience according to the theme of your event, using specific experiences or co-experienced scenarios that reflect the nature and atmosphere of the event. Feel free to ask for advice!
Location Selection and Setting
Valige ise või aitame valida asukoha, mis toetab VR-tehnoloogia kasutust ning on piisavalt suur ja sobiv rahvahulga majutamiseks.
We install the necessary VR technology at your event, including glasses, sensors and other equipment, ensuring that they function flawlessly throughout the event.
Dive into the VR World
Meie VR-kogemused muudavad sinu ürituse meeldejäävaks ja ainulaadseks. Pakume tehnilist tuge, et tagada sujuv ja nauditav kogemus kõigile osalejatele kogu sündmuse vältel.
Avasta rohkem meie VR-teenustest ja kuidas saame muuta sinu ürituse eriliseks! Elamusteni!
Frequently Asked Questions
Above all, we strive to be one step ahead in the capabilities of computers, because the more powerful the computer (especially the graphics card), the better, sharper, smoother and clearer the VR experience can be experienced, which is drastically different than the image created by a weaker computer, and we will not compromise on this. . Another important difference is the technical solutions and mods that we are constantly improving with different hardware to provide users with an even more powerful VR experience. The third main difference is that our solutions can also be driven in a rally. We use only the absolute best hardware for racing, which we are constantly improving.
There is always 1 person out of a thousand who might start to feel dizzy (seasick), but this is extremely rare and mostly happens with a VR driving simulator with a moving base. Since our powerful computers always run games at maximum frame rate and smoothly, it is unlikely that anyone will get upset.
All people get an experience from VR games and simulations that they will remember for a long time. VR creates completely new possibilities and experiences that can be experienced by people of all ages. It doesn't matter what area a person is. Everyone has their dream world, where the soul would like to dive and get away from everyday routine. Our selection of games and simulations has something for everyone to entertain and experience.
Recommended age would be 7-8. age, as the glasses are too big for younger people.
Yes, we will come to you. Feel free to ask for more.